Health data strategy Forever Chemicals exposure linked to health issues: understand and prevent the risks 2023.10.04. 2 0
AI and data science From lab-grown meat to insect burgers: the proteins of the future 2023.07.13. 2 0
AI and data science Chatbot boom in healthcare. Meet the chatbots that identify high-risk cardiac patients. 2023.04.25. 3 0
AI and data science Unlocking the Future of Healthcare: Real-Life Applications of Sensors and Deep Learning in Remote Diagnoses 2023.04.05. 2 0
AI and data science The science of addiction. How to leverage evidence-based treatments and data science to improve outcomes? 2023.03.21. 2 0
AI and data science The top health tech analytics trends that will shape 2023 predictions 2023.02.07. 3 0
Health data strategy What is the European Health Data Space and how to unlock its potential 2022.05.24. 1 0
Health data strategy NHS seeks to resolve elective surgery backlog with an online platform 2022.03.21. 1 0
AI and data science How sewage water can help scientists predict and quash virus outbreaks 2022.02.11. 5 0
Startups and innovation Video games will help doctors diagnose and monitor depression 2022.01.04. 1 0